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Understanding the Mathematics of Personal Finance

John Wiley, New Jersey, 2009


The links below page provide access to the spreadsheet calculators discussed throughout the book. Chapter 15 explains how to use these spreadsheets, the specifics of each sheet is discussed in the appropriate chapters. There is a brief summary of each of the sheets below.

There are several ways to access these spreadsheets.  Don’t forget: you need a spreadsheet program on your computer that can open an Excel (Microsoft Office 1997 - 2003 format) spreadsheet.

The easiest approach is to click on the link to the spreadsheet. If you have Excel, or another spreadsheet program that you have set to recognize an Excel file, the spreadsheet will open.  

You can then work problems, inspect and/or modify the spreadsheet, etc.  If you want to save your results, just save your spreadsheet to somewhere on your computer.  While you cannot modify the spreadsheet on this website, you can modify your copy of it, so be careful what you’re saving.

The preferred approach is to click on the link to the spreadsheet and then immediately save the original to a new name on your computer.  Double clicking on your saved file should bring up the spreadsheet. If your spreadsheet program doesn’t recognize the file type, you’ll have to start your spreadsheet program and then tell it to open your newly saved file.  Any time you modify a sheet or want to save a specific example, save another copy with a new name.  

Chapter File Name Topic(s)
2 Ch2CompoundInterest.xls Compound interest calculation including prorated calculations between interest compounding interval
3 Ch3Amortization.xls Loan amortization tables and savings with periodic deposits
4 Ch4Mortgages.xls Fixed and adjustable rate mortgage amortization tables including interest paid
5 Ch5PrepaymentPenalties.xls Rule of 78 prepayment penalties
6 Ch6CardBalanceTransfer.xls Credit Balance Transfer Calculation
7 Ch7PresentValue.xls Present value of an outstanding loan
8 Ch8LoanPV.xls Present value of a loan with different loan and savings rates including adjustable interest rate and payments
9 Ch9Taxation.xls Compare taxed to tax-deferred savings, account for inflation
11 Ch11FixedAnnuities.xls Immediate Annuity with Period Certain, Deferred and Life Annuity payments and taxes
13 Ch13Stocks.xls Correlation between two stocks; buying Calls worksheet